Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Home but Homeless

Hello from St. Louis! It has been a crazy time since we got back. We drove down Thursday and had an hour at our friends' house where we're staying before taking off to the church office to practice for being part of the worship band in both services on Sunday. Nothing like jumpin' back in with both feet! It was a blessing to be a part of that again, though. Friday, Saturday, and Monday were all filled with apartment hunting. After 15 apartment viewings, we still are not settled on one and don't really know what to do! Keri has 3 more viewings tonight, but we are a little bit discouraged. We are blessed by the generosity of the Gilberts (good friends we're living with), but are also VERY ready after 7 months of living out of a suitcase to be in our own apartment. One of the best possibilities of an apartment won't be ready to move in for 3 more weeks. Yikes! C.J. has returned to work and is finding it a little bit hard to adjust to 8 hour work days after 7 months of irregular schedules! Keri starts teaching tomorrow. So we are doing well, just exhausted from the apartment search and feeling like it's GREAT to be home and see everyone, but we're not really home yet.... Pray for us!

1 comment:

Jared said...

Three weeks! You didn't say anything about that last night.

Pray for us, too.