Friday, January 9, 2009

Move-in Day

Because it has been so long since our last post (and so much has happened!) I'm going to break it up. We'll start with move in day to the new condo. Besides 2 hurt backs, one case of pink eye, and 5 separate leaks in the condo, the day went well. We really like it now that we're a bit more settled. Although there is much more to do, we like it and are glad to be done with the huge step of moving in! Now we can be a little bit more relaxed about the work left. On an unrelated note, the Mazda (1986 for anyone who doesn't know) may be finally declared dead, as the brakes went out and will cost over $500 to fix. If anyone knows of anyone selling a car cheap, please let us know as this is not the greatest timing to have to make another huge purchase! (Too bad one can't drive brand new refridgerators to work!) Here are some pictures of the condo as far as we have gotten it:

Cleaned out and ready for move-in

C.J. installing the stove, cupboard doors back on

New refridgerator and dishwasher

Living room

Dining room with the overflow of stuff that wouldn't fit in the 2nd bedroom

3rd floor (still unpainted, but quite homey!)

1 comment:

Everyday Thoughts said...

RIP Mazda....not sure you will be missed though ;)

Miss you guys and great condo by the looks so great!
