Saturday, September 29, 2007


Sorry it's been so long again. We've had a really tough week, but God continues to bless us. We spent the first two nights in a hotel in Halifax and continued to look for housing. We'd made TONS of phone calls and email inquiries but continued to fail to find any place to live--those were definitely some really hard nights (especially at $150 per night)!

We finally decided to contact the CRC (Christian Reformed Church--the denomination we grew up in) in Halifax to see if anyone there could help us out. That night we were contacted by a family and have been living with them since Thursday night. You can't imagine how wonderful it was to have a home cooked meal after two nights in a row of Little Ceaser's Hot and Ready Pizza and two breakfasts of bread, because we were out of everything else and only focused on finding a place to live. How pathetic, huh? It has been a lot of fun living with this family. They have two young children, and it's been great having them take our minds off of our other trials by doing things like watching "Air Bud" with the 7 year old and having her proceed to tell us everything that was going to happen within the first ten minutes of the movie.

We did find out yesterday that we may have a permanent place to live right by Dalhousie (the University where Keri's fieldwork is), but we'll find out for sure on Monday. Please pray that this comes through for us as it seems like the perfect option for us. We'll update more on Monday about some higher points of the last week once we find out for sure about housing.

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